Friday 9 September 2011

changing a vital outcome- Operation Valkyrie

The Eco's of the guard dogs as they snarled and howled from the presence of so many people entering the compound at once, the Early screech as the gate starts to slowly close behind us, at this point one little error can mean months of planning failed and ultimately our death, we start to walk into a conference room until the meeting takes place and we are asked to join. this is it! months of planning will be achieved and finally the rein of Adolf Hitler will come to an end, we've finally earned his trust and ranked our self's high enough to present him with his approval of Operation Valkyrie, little does he know though we have forged a fake document in which gives the orders of total control of Germany to us if Hitler is assassinated. it wasn't easy to get him to sign the forged documents and more so luck was on our side when he didn't read the document. now is are time to commence operation Valkyrie, all we have to do is arm the bomb that is in the brief case and place it in the room that Hitler and ,most of his highest ranking officers will be. we all sense that the pressure building, its like there are always eyes watching us creeping up our backs just as easy as whispering winds would. the bomb is set and it is time to go down to the room but with every step it feels like my legs are going to give out on me at any second, it feels like quicksand is bogging down my feet making it more difficult to fight it and take another step. the adrenaline coursing through my veins makes me feel light headed and sick to my stomach, the pressure is building like floating down into the bottom of the ocean crushing the air out of my lungs, and then as fast as all of this struck me it stopped as soon as we reached the doors to the main room, I'm one of the last ones in the room and the eyes of the others as i enter Peirce right through my soul like hundreds of daggers, i walk in and place my bag on the floor, close enough that it will set off and deliver a fatal blow. i notice an officer is bothered by were my bag is place so i kindly move it, closer to were it was to begin with. now all i have to do its Waite until i get the call to be excused from the meeting. as if the grains of time have stopped in place it seems like time is no longer moving, i start to get worried that the call will not be delivered and i will be caught in the explosion. then a sigh of relief come and i officer comes to inform me there is a message for me. i take my leave and start to prepare for the next step of the plan. within those few minutes a loud explosion goes off. it is done and now it is time to take our course in history. - The topic i chose to write about was "a historic moment in history" called Operation Valkyrie, it was meant to be the Assassination of Hitler resulting in the control of German government and ultimately the demise and fall of the Nazi's control over Germany. unfortunately the leader of the plans and the man who tried to execute them Graff von Stauffenburg did not move the bag when he noticed the other officer was irritated by it. resulting in that officer moving it to the other end of the table that made the radius of the bomb to short to reach Hitler and kill him. that is why i would of changed that piece of an historic event that would of changed the course of history for the better of everyone. i also chose this topic because i enjoy the strategic standpoint of the whole operation.


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